Get In Touch

We don’t just want to make awesome. We back the awesome that makes the awesome.

We love hearing from ambitious founders and fund managers. While we review every submission, the volume we receive means we can’t respond to everyone. If there’s a great fit, we’ll be in touch.

The details you share help us assess whether Euphemia is the right investment partner for you. But even if we don’t invest, we’re always looking for ways to support exceptional people.

That’s why we created the Euphemia Startup Backpack - a curated set of trusted providers and resources for startups and fund managers. If it’s useful, pass it on to someone who’d benefit.

Awesome Stories

We don’t just want to make awesome. We want to make the awesome that makes the awesome.

Euphemia supports founders from a range of diverse backgrounds who have not had equal access to opportunity.

Made with Love + Money